Be Part Of
We have a way to help you raise more funds, just like Democratic groups and other organizations use our merchandise to fundraise.
In place of your own store, you can refer your supporters to our store using a special link we supply you with. All sales, less our wholesale cost, using that link at will be credited to your organization. We even pay for the shipping!
Or, Set Up A Wholesale Account
We also offer our merchandise at wholesale prices so organizations can raise funds by selling our products.
No Minimums For Wholesale Purchases Or Custom Merchandise
We have no minimums, so you can try out items or buy in larger quantities. If you have ideas for your own custom merchandise we can do that, too, at the same wholesale prices. We can even customize our own designs for you at no extra cost.
If you want your organization’s name, or a candidate needs merchandise–from campaign signs to key chains, let us know. We’ll give you a quote.
Contact Us Today!